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Fire Up! It’s Not too Late to Live Your Dream
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Are you familiar with the English proverb “you’re never too old to learn”?
Do you know its interpretation?
Well, I was curious enough to find out, so I decided to look it up in the dictionary and discovered that the real meaning is “It’s possible to learn new things, at any age; follow your desires and dreams.”
Wow, what a revelation! I should have included this into my new book, The Drive to Aim High: Seven Powerful Mindsets Proven to Guarantee your Success!
As I write this blog post for you, I am gradually discovering the true meaning of this old proverb that has been around for centuries.
My understanding of it is that we can learn new things if we completely put our mind into it, let go of the fear of failure, and accept the conditions associated with achieving that dream.
For those of you that have read my book, I am sure you know my story by now, which served as proof of me walking the talk of this proverb.
I am often asked by my friends from where I obtained my energy to stay focus and inspired about my work and dreams, despite the many ups and downs I have encountered? I certainly wasn’t born a wise man who possessed any solutions to the unknown.
But as I matured, I found that I could always learn new things from others that my childhood didn’t afford me, if I set my mind towards it.
At first, what I learned was from observing my parents and the elders in my village. Later in life, I began observing successful people and looking at them as role models.
So, to support you to fire up and follow your dreams, I have decided to share my # 1 secret with you.
Really, this is only for you, and for those that you also want to help go after their dreams by sharing my secret with them, too.
My # 1 secret is this, I dwell in the successes and experiences of others.
Their examples have encouraged me that I, too, can overcome obstacles and obtain success.
This is based upon:
….observing what makes them strong as an oak, combined with their thinking, their challenges, and how they overcame those.
I follow those that have inspired me by reading books about them as well as their autobiographies.
I watch videos on YouTube, I Google things about their lives and take my time to study each piece of material.
Perhaps most importantly, I always ask myself, “Where do I see myself in their stories?” “What are some major similarities that I have in common with this person?”
This is a question that I want you to ask yourself from here on….
Here is a list of some of my mentors and role models that realized pursuing their dreams was something that was never too late, no matter at what age:
- John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola when he was 55 years old.
- Ray Kroc bought McDonald’s when he was 59 years old.
- Colonel Sanders began franchising KFC at 62 years old.
- Tim & Nina Zagat were 51-year-old lawyers when they wrote the 1st Zagat guide.
- Charles Darwin was 50 years old before he wrote: “On the Origin of Species.”
- Julia Child was also 50 years old when she wrote her first cookbook.
- Henry Ford was 45 years old when he created the Model T car.
- Samuel L. Jackson was 43 years old before he had his first hit film, Jungle Fever.
So, wherever you may be on your life path right now, whatever your age, I encourage you to:
Fire Up, now is the time!
Success doesn’t have a deadline.
Quitting is always too early and too easy.

Here’s to your success!

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