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Welcome back! If you read last week’s blog about the Power of 7, you know that I promised a 7-Day Journaling Challenge for this week.
Journaling is a powerful asset that can promote insights into self, problem solving, setting goals, and much more. Here is my invitation to you:
7-Day Journaling Challenge
DAY 1: Write down 7 previous goals with which you have had success. Whether these are from childhood or last week, big or small – that doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you achieved those goals in the past. Journal about the steps you took and be sure you take a few moments to savor the memory of how good your success felt.
DAY 2: State a current goal, and then list 7 steps you will take to bring it to fruition. Whenever you follow through with each step, return to your list and journal about it – your feelings, its effectiveness, and any other observations.
DAY 3: Make this a gratitude journaling day. List the things in your life for which you are grateful and allow the feeling of gratitude to fill you up while doing this exercise. (It should be quite easy to come up with at least 7 – more is absolutely fine!). Being grateful for what we already have can also pave the way for more wonderful things to appear in our lives.
DAY 4: Write down 7 ways you can be of service to others. This could include volunteering, donating to causes that speak to your heart, mentoring a child, helping a neighbor – whatever ways you feel you may elevate someone else’s path. Create an action plan to begin doing these things on a regular basis.
DAY 5: Make a “Wish List” of 7 famous/powerful people with whom you would most like to connect professionally. Research what is important to them, what they are passionate about – either by Googling, LinkedIn or other sources – and make notes of what you have in common.
DAY 6: Research ways in which your current connections might help you reach those on your Wish List. Also, if you have done your homework and learned what your Wish List folks are currently seeking to achieve, (their passion/cause, etc.) check to see if anyone within your current network might be involved with an aspect of that cause/situation that could possibly benefit them. If so, reach out to arrange a mutual introduction. Take action today to set this networking process in motion.
DAY 7: Reflect back on the last week, and journal about the inspirations and motivations that doing this 7-Day exercise awoke within you.
I am certain some insights will light up along the way. Have fun with the exercise, and always Aim High!

Here’s to your success!